09-05-2012, 09:05 AM
Ruan Wrote:Argh!
Don't use a catch tank on an XUD9 - they will just spew oil from everywhere and not catch any in the catch tank... This is because as standard the crankcase breather is inducted into the airstream TO the turbo - it's under vacuum, if you put any sort of restriction on it, it'll end up causing high crankcase pressure and blowing oil past the rings - not to mention spewing it out the dipstick hole, busting seals etc, it needs to be as free as possible, the only way you should do it with a catch tank IMO is to enlarge the breather pipes and use a better catch tank... Or just shove the pipe over the back of the engine, even then it's not great, you should really have some system of sucking it out like standard.
They're turbocharged and old - therefore they blow a LOT of combustion gas past the rings into the crankcase - why do you think the oil change is every 6k miles
now you scare me... does make sense what you're saying though..
so what you're essentially saying is that it's not as such a "breather" but more of an induction system? :think:
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!