Facebook is shite, but then it always has been.
I'm almost happy with most of the Cab now. Resprayed finally and if the weather holds tomorrow it'll get finished. Currently she's being a cow to start from cold, but I'm hopeful of chasing that down. Oh and I managed to pick up a new back box for 60€ - the last one had grenaded itself and the TüV is friday...
I meant to say, if you're keeping up with the UK classic scene and shows - a few very nice 306's are starting to pop up. There's one almost-concours-looking China Blue (I think... might have the colour wrong) 3-door that keeps cropping up - R454 XXX
![[Image: 317379701_700067601453315_33537660553794...e=638BF122]](https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/317379701_700067601453315_3353766055379482423_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=idKiB9LH5tQAX8lp41q&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBJ7DPaLPO3e_mArhaLE3odwfIBEHwBB7TFnb9mpiCv0A&oe=638BF122)
I meant to say, if you're keeping up with the UK classic scene and shows - a few very nice 306's are starting to pop up. There's one almost-concours-looking China Blue (I think... might have the colour wrong) 3-door that keeps cropping up - R454 XXX