Hello everyone, I have been absent for a while in this forum and I see that it has had activity. Now I update with news.
The last thing that was done was to put a 70,000km engine that was a failure.
That engine was never able to be fine and after 2 weeks preparing the electronics with the two power maps one day without logical explanation, it broke the engine.
After this, prepare the original engine, leaving as new as possible, and become riding again. Now the car is working quite well but still has problems of shortness of breath and the only solution I can think of is a larger turbo or port the stock.
Maybe @Ruan can help me. Right now I'm still with OEM injectors but I have good ones at home for the moment to assemble them.
Gasoil pump I have an r70 hybridized to r85 so pressure problems should not have.
As they say around there I was having breakage problems with valve valances. To solve them what would I have to do? Put harder valve springs? Any reference?
When I get home I put some pictures of how it is mounted now that I am now from the university computer and photos always look good XD
The last thing that was done was to put a 70,000km engine that was a failure.
That engine was never able to be fine and after 2 weeks preparing the electronics with the two power maps one day without logical explanation, it broke the engine.
After this, prepare the original engine, leaving as new as possible, and become riding again. Now the car is working quite well but still has problems of shortness of breath and the only solution I can think of is a larger turbo or port the stock.
Maybe @Ruan can help me. Right now I'm still with OEM injectors but I have good ones at home for the moment to assemble them.
Gasoil pump I have an r70 hybridized to r85 so pressure problems should not have.
As they say around there I was having breakage problems with valve valances. To solve them what would I have to do? Put harder valve springs? Any reference?
When I get home I put some pictures of how it is mounted now that I am now from the university computer and photos always look good XD