Check loom - but would expect a fault to register from an open circuit.
When you put key on, EML should come on, LP pump should prime and then shut off after a few seconds - it's definitely priming the LP pump? Make sure it's actually running the LP pump to prime the system, if it's not, it could be the brown double injection relay, P0230 is the generic catchall code for "low fuel pressure in the HP circuit". That doesn't necessarily say the cause of the low fuel pressure fault of course, just that the fuel pressure didn't meet minimum to start.
Unfortunately these don't have detection for if the LP pump isn't running or is open circuit back to the double relay...
If you've had the FPR out the pump and run it manually and it's in the fully retracted position - this might be the reason for it making zero pressure, if the ECU is locked, from memory it doesn't even attempt to drive the FPR... I've found out to my own detriment myself that just because PP2k says the ECU is unlocked, it doesn't actually necessarily mean it is The fact it's not connecting to the BSI/CPH whatever you want to call it (yes we know it's technically not called the BSI, but PP2k calls it the BSI/CPH...) is slightly concerning - that might be more to do with it than you expect.
When you put key on, EML should come on, LP pump should prime and then shut off after a few seconds - it's definitely priming the LP pump? Make sure it's actually running the LP pump to prime the system, if it's not, it could be the brown double injection relay, P0230 is the generic catchall code for "low fuel pressure in the HP circuit". That doesn't necessarily say the cause of the low fuel pressure fault of course, just that the fuel pressure didn't meet minimum to start.
Unfortunately these don't have detection for if the LP pump isn't running or is open circuit back to the double relay...
If you've had the FPR out the pump and run it manually and it's in the fully retracted position - this might be the reason for it making zero pressure, if the ECU is locked, from memory it doesn't even attempt to drive the FPR... I've found out to my own detriment myself that just because PP2k says the ECU is unlocked, it doesn't actually necessarily mean it is The fact it's not connecting to the BSI/CPH whatever you want to call it (yes we know it's technically not called the BSI, but PP2k calls it the BSI/CPH...) is slightly concerning - that might be more to do with it than you expect.