29-06-2017, 12:26 PM
(25-06-2017, 06:08 PM)bashbarnard Wrote: I persoanlly have a soft spot for phase 2s as thats what i started with in the 306 scene. As for valuations people have been pretty bang on. In fact my boss has got one for sale at the moment for £800. When i get some spare money. (could be a fair while as yet) ill be buying an xsi of some description. not to use but i just want a good 3 door shell and they seem to be the most abundant cheapest option to get the shell i want before prices start going up to much.
No spare £350 down the back of the sofa? This is even in your favourite colour Bash! https://www.gumtree.com/p/peugeot/peugeo...1251661026