The renault gt1852v would be very difficult to make fit thanks to the shape of the compressor outlet. Personally i think your best bet is to make an adapter plate between the exhaust manifold and turbo, there are several project cars on here successfully using that method. As others have said there are several rhf5 and gt20 variants that fit in the limited space without too much modification of other parts. The usual issues are clearance to gear selector arm pivot on the subframe and egr port on the exhaust mani, fairly easily solved with a bit of cutting and welding.
I think hybrid turbos are far from ideal since they must be mated to a standard exhaust housing, yet the exhaust housing is a major part of what restricts gas flow through the engine and therefore power. The issue usually seen when tuning these engines to "stage 2" and beyond is exhaust back-pressure, why would you pay a lot of money to fit a turbo that doesn't solve that problem? If the exhaust can't flow it doesn't matter what the inlet might be capable of.
I think hybrid turbos are far from ideal since they must be mated to a standard exhaust housing, yet the exhaust housing is a major part of what restricts gas flow through the engine and therefore power. The issue usually seen when tuning these engines to "stage 2" and beyond is exhaust back-pressure, why would you pay a lot of money to fit a turbo that doesn't solve that problem? If the exhaust can't flow it doesn't matter what the inlet might be capable of.