12-04-2012, 06:33 PM
Niall Wrote:Ok then so you go to most areas around towns or where predominantly students live and what do you see there mostly? Drunk teenagers.
I'm in no way saying all students are like this because I know a lot are not but I also know a lot are!
FairPlay to people who go to uni to learn and either pay for it them selfs or aim to pay it back. What I can't stand is people who go to uni "for the experience" who borrow thousands from the government because it's their right to go to uni apparently when in fact, it's no ones right!
...accepted and mostly true but you will also find that the majority who do this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ don't get through their first year, 2nd if they are lucky. Uni isn't an attendence piece, and for someone to get as far as their 5th year, that is quite an achievement.
I also know a fair few uni stundents who work bloody hard, and in return, play hard... there is no harm in that, surely.
I think the idea that people use the money to drink is a very naiive way of seeing it and lacks a lot of evidence. The media loves to hype this idea up also...
I've worked alongside those who you mention, and they don't go far, at all... and yes, they still have the debt with little to show for it
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