14-05-2016, 12:01 AM
(13-05-2016, 12:28 PM)cully Wrote: Ever sprayed a powder extinguisher in a confined space?Yep, Inside the lounge of a not very large flat. I couldn't see shit cos of the smoke, I was just aiming it at the glowing orange pile on the floor (both the first and the second one). I didn't see inside his flat after the smoke had cleared so I have no idea what a mess I made and I have a feeling the fact I was hanging a lung out the next day was more to do with the smoke.
You wont want to be in there
(13-05-2016, 10:02 PM)Niall Wrote: Powder extinguishers are only really for specific locations now days due to the reasons described above. They are nasty nasty things and will probably be phased out in a couple of years.
My advice with having an extinguisher in the car is don't bother unless you are sure you know how to use it. Far too often they give people a sense of over confidence and before you know it you're putting yourself in danger. You need to know when to give up and just walk away.
I would go for AFFF. Don't bother with water or powder. Co2 in reality whilst affective won't be as good as a foam can.
Also something that most people don't do. Get it serviced!
Although not necessarily a reason not to get one you really do need to know the point to give up.
Essentially by the time you have stopped the car, got out, unclipped the fire extinguisher, pulled the tag and pointed it in the right direction the car is a write off anyway. Different matter if someone is trapped in a burning car but that's the reasons race cars have plumbed in systems with nozels pointing both in the bay and at the driver.
Also having had an oil fire reignite just at the point I had it beaten with a CO2 extinguisher that ran out at the vital second I can tell you that's a scary experience.