25-04-2016, 06:06 AM
Don't sack off the caliper just yet, few things to check first. Check the sliders are free and well lubed and the handbrake levers go all the way back to the stop, both very common faults. Failing that, did you clean the pad carrier surfaces and copper slip the ears of the pads when you put them in? Often see enthusiast-maintained cars with dry pads and sliders, caked carriers and over-adjusted handbrake cables, shouldn't take long to check them over and could save you £50+ a side.
Don't sack off the caliper just yet, few things to check first. Check the sliders are free and well lubed and the handbrake levers go all the way back to the stop, both very common faults. Failing that, did you clean the pad carrier surfaces and copper slip the ears of the pads when you put them in? Often see enthusiast-maintained cars with dry pads and sliders, caked carriers and over-adjusted handbrake cables, shouldn't take long to check them over and could save you £50+ a side.