08-04-2012, 01:45 PM
me-tm Wrote:londondan86 Wrote:If the turbo-IC pipe is full of fresh engine oil then the turbo is likely to be fubared I'm afraid. A small amount of black sludgey old oil is normal but fresh is bad news.
Phew! I panicked when I first read that. Then read it again. Yeah, my pipes have wee bits of black sludgy oil in them but that's all. It's fiiiiine!
I think I've heard Ruan call it "blowby" or something like that. It comes from the crank case breather that feeds into the inlet just behind the battery. This oil then passes through the cold side of the turbo and collects in the boost hoses/IC. Not a problem, just give the system a good clean every now and again.