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Good oil for track use for a Diesel
I want round 3 sisters track in Wigan and I never see it go over 80 on gage but it was cold and very wet so I only pushed it as far as I dared that was at end of January. So I googled to see if anyone else uses this oil for track use and iv found these two
From what these say it's good for 2 track days before it starts to brake down. One recommends a ester basted oil for long term track use claims they handle high temperatures better
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Messages In This Thread
Good oil for track use for a Diesel - by Piggy - 05-03-2016, 03:49 PM
Good oil for track use for a Diesel - by Cho99er5000 - 07-03-2016, 02:08 AM
RE: Good oil for track use for a Diesel - by Ruan - 07-03-2016, 11:13 AM
RE: Good oil for track use for a Diesel - by Dave - 08-03-2016, 02:20 AM

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