Well, the unit is a bit scabby, but I tried connecting it to my leisure battery, with the yellow wire, the earth connection and with the chassis connected and with both. No response from the on/off button. So I'm gonna give it to a guy at work who does a bit of ICE installation now and again. If he brings it back and says it works, I can get a new Pioneer 16pin from Fleabay for £3.99, or he might have one for me. If it's a bit knackered anyway, I'll bin it.
Sorry, second pic is crap. It's a DEH-P6300R. But the whole thing is fithy, just like the interior of the car. I shall prolly shell out of a bit of valeting as I can't be arsed to bend me back that much these days.
Sorry, second pic is crap. It's a DEH-P6300R. But the whole thing is fithy, just like the interior of the car. I shall prolly shell out of a bit of valeting as I can't be arsed to bend me back that much these days.
WoW! That was cheap!