21-08-2015, 12:20 PM
(21-08-2015, 09:33 AM)Toms306 Wrote:if you dont get any joy from the first doctor see a different one. im sure like my doctors there is more than one in there that take appointments,(21-08-2015, 08:55 AM)cully Wrote: **Yawn**
morning Tom
you won't go to doctors
you won't go to Job centre
you wont go to help clinics
but you will turn to the internet for help..................
IMO your looking to the wrong place the first three should be your first call
you wouldn't ask a FB mechanic to fix your car would you................Oh!...wait...
As with the doctors, I find garages to be useless as well and avoid them at all costs.I would rather ask a member on here through FB to fix something that I couldn't.
I've been to the docs and job centre and not got anywhere. I'm not sure what you mean by help clinincs but if you mean therapy I've tried that also.
The internet is full of billions of people...statistics say some of them must've been through the same thing at some point! Much more useful than someone that's learnt about it from books at Uni...
then if you dont get what you need there ask for another opinion doctors are there to help you not fob you off
yes therapy if i remember you went once then never turned up again
you will never get help from these people if you miss apointments they will strike you off there list as they are busy people with many like you to deal with
if you dont keep on to them they will assume your better which your clearly not
now get off the bloody internet and go to the doctors and make a feckin appointment and keep it
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