05-08-2015, 09:30 AM
(04-08-2015, 08:27 PM)Alan_M Wrote: No springs on beam, that's all done by the torsion bars. You need to pull these clear of the splined on the beam and arms, set the trailing arm to the proposed ride height and refit the torsion bars, by turning a spline at a time till they slide in.
But, to do the above, the beam needs to be pulled to bits. You may as well rebuild the bloody thing whilst you're there. Whatever you do, don't lower it without changing the seals at least, they cost bugger all and will prevent your beam from being scrap in 6 months time.
If you're lucky, the bars will come out with a little force from a slide hammer. Worst case they'll need pressing out.
These are all things I'd get the garage to do though