29-07-2015, 06:53 PM
Some of you may know i blew 3rd at fcs. I have changed my box. Easy bit done. So i fire her up and shes horrible and not happy. Miss firing not idling being a general pita. So i think vacuum leak and wiring. Either aomething ive not connected or somethings not tight. Nope non of that. So then i started to pressure test all the componants engine side of the tb. Er no problems. So i put her back together again. Still being a b**ch. So i thought hmmm ill plug the laptop in. Nope everything fine there. ffs wat can it be. So i started speaking to my next door neighbour. He says youve not get anything sensetive close to the fly wheel??? No i dont think so. So any way put her away thought nothing of it. So the next day i wiggled some wires and boom fixed awesome i thought. Took her for a test drive. Everything fine on boost iff boost and cruise all spot on. So i thought get home n wash her. So she decided to play up. This time fine on boost horrible for everything else. I get home let her cool and open the bonnet. Instantly looked at the flywheel area. Crank plug sitting right where a plastic bung for the bell housing should be. So i un plugged it and re routed the wiring. Turn the key and shes spot on.
Who would of thought thats the fault?? Must of been scrambling the signal. Totally crazy.
Who would of thought thats the fault?? Must of been scrambling the signal. Totally crazy.