29-03-2012, 09:46 AM
I just read this on a BBC article from earlier today:
Since when was it the case that residents in this country are considered too careless and stupid to be able to store some fuel safely?
We understand the risks of fire, but that doesn't mean the Government and NGO's have to stick their noses in at every turn.
Quote:On Wednesday, Cabinet Minister Francis Maude's advice for drivers to store petrol - "maybe a little bit in the garage as well in a jerrycan" - was criticised by the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) and the AA, who said it was potentially dangerous.
A jerrycan has the capacity to hold 20 litres - more than the official limit for the amount that can be safely stored at home.
Roads minister Mike Penning later said Mr Maude's advice had been "a mistake by the cabinet minister. He didn't understand the size of a jerrycan. He has apologised since".
Since when was it the case that residents in this country are considered too careless and stupid to be able to store some fuel safely?
We understand the risks of fire, but that doesn't mean the Government and NGO's have to stick their noses in at every turn.
Captain Standard