(15-07-2015, 08:33 AM)toseland Wrote: Hmm.. Could this be a leaking fill thingy. (Not sure what it's called, but the thing that's similar to the ball cock in a normal water tank)
I would hypothesise that this is, over a period of no use filling up past the required level then this is draining out before the fill tap is opened returning pressure after a minute or so and through
This is what I originally assumed - and went into the loft looking for a tank, to find there isn't one.

I was just hoping someone else had this system (I would imagine most small purpose built flats over the last 20 years probably do!) or happened to be a Megaflo installer to see whether they had the same delay or not. As I say the occasional drip doesn't bother me too much, looking at the lichen growth under the outside overflow it's been dripping long before I moved in lol. But this delay is really quite inconvenient so I can't see it being normal.