12-07-2015, 08:02 AM
(11-07-2015, 10:52 AM)Piggy Wrote: internet is RESTORED woohoo!
Still no Xperia returned from Sony... 10days after they sent it first class! (my ass they did!)
Things got more annoying this morning after demolishing a shed and moving the bricks they were stood on for a old chap, I traveled 15miles to the nearest tip/recycling place with the bricks in the trailer as they are the only place round here to accept trailers.
But my trailer is 18inches too long. he wouldnt even look in the trailer to see that it was ONE layer of bricks... he kept saying a 6x4 trailer would hold less... no, it would hold MORE if it was full!! He had no remorse or anything, said I had to book online 24hours ahead. then bring two forms of ID. He was so bloody rude! Basically told me to bugger off coz he was "full"....there was like 2 cars there!
So I went round the corner, unhitched the trailer and did three boot fulls of bricks from trailer to the dump! a big HA!
Oh the tip is my pet hate. In Peterborough they never said a word to you, open great hours. Now i'm in Rugby it's the most disorganised, tiny tip with two tiers (meaning you have to go out and come back in if you happen to need both tiers - so queue twice - you can't get form the upper to lower tier). Not to mention it closes at 3.15PM. What f*cking use is that? Earliest I can finish is 3.30PM so basically I can only use it on a Saturday, with all the monglets who could use it any day of the week.
When i bought this house the garage was converted to an office so i dismantled it. It had maybe 8 sheets of 2x1m plasterboards. I smashed it all down as it was quicker and bagged it up. Took a few bags to the tip and dumped them. Came back to the house, put a few more in and went back.
Jobsworth comes over and says that's your lot mate, you can only have 75 kilos.
I went yeah, and how many kilos have I put in?
Well you've already been once and put a few bags in, I saw you.
Yes, a few bags with a bootfull of rockwool and wood...and thats about 15-20 kilos at most (given it's all fragmented and didn't bag brilliantly).
Well you can't bring any more, that's your lot for the month.
Great, i've got about another 10 bags of this shit.
Right, so off I go to the other tip, 10 miles the other way. Advertised as accepting plasterboard..... only it didn't as it's now only Rugby and Leamington. Thanks for updating your website you fucktards.
In the end, I sent the Mrs with the mini and a boot full and my dad took the rest home to Preston to dump at their tip where there was no such 75kg restriction.....
What a joke, I was bloody tempted to go and dump the shit down a country lane and that's not me at all. Comes to something when it's harder to dospose of it legally.

Night Blue VW Golf 7 GTD : Bianca 306 Rallye : Mini Cooper D (The Mrs')
![[Image: wallye-gtd.JPG?raw=1]](https://www.dropbox.com/s/pcxk1pgpaucznvr/wallye-gtd.JPG?raw=1)
HDi Owner for 200k/9 years
HDi Owner for 200k/9 years