27-06-2015, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the replies.
I wasn't allowed off site in my previous job, sitting in the carpark was fine but I wasn't supposed to leave the car park... I did anyway and was never late back tbf lol. Never did understand why but was just told not to so assumed it was common, looks like it isn't!
Cheers Matt.
When I say 'trapped', I mean literally not being allowed off till for hours at a time. That caused me several panic attacks which in turn triggered IBS. Obviously I won't be applying for till jobs. As long as I have the option to nip to the loo I should be alright though, it's not that I'll need to sit in there for half the day, just the option being there has a good effect. Problem with IBS is that sometimes it can come completely out of the blue with no warning. Yesterday with no apparent triggers I had to run to the loo 5 times in 2 hours. Yet I hadn't had any major problems for nearly a week before that! It's obviously not fair on the employer if that was happening every day but if it's once a fortnight or so I can't see it causing them too much issue....hopefully...
Very true. I've been worried about wasting employers time if I applied for something that I then got but soon found out I couldn't do well for whatever reason - hadn't even thought about wasting my own time!
Must admit I'm struggling to find positive points of my skillset tbh - any ideas what they should be?
(27-06-2015, 11:54 AM)JJ0063 Wrote: Certainly wouldn't mention the canteen bit - I've never known a job where you're not allowed to leave on your lunch break. Where I work has a huge canteen, games room, Internet cafe, 'quiet' lounge... I never use any of it! I either go into town or eat at my desk whilst working.
A break is to do what ever you wish to do, I wouldn't be expected to stay on a lunch break & I don't think an employer has any say or control on what you do on a break as long as you are back to work by the right time!
I wasn't allowed off site in my previous job, sitting in the carpark was fine but I wasn't supposed to leave the car park... I did anyway and was never late back tbf lol. Never did understand why but was just told not to so assumed it was common, looks like it isn't!
(27-06-2015, 11:56 AM)Matt-Rallye Wrote: Tell them immediately, be frank and upfront about it and they will know its a genuine issue and your not a time waster.
Wether or not you get 'trapped' on a specific aspect of a job depends entirely on what job you chose to pursue but obviously any potential employer isnt going to want to be paying you to sit on the bog for half the day!
Best of luck though tom and deepest respect for trying
Cheers Matt.
When I say 'trapped', I mean literally not being allowed off till for hours at a time. That caused me several panic attacks which in turn triggered IBS. Obviously I won't be applying for till jobs. As long as I have the option to nip to the loo I should be alright though, it's not that I'll need to sit in there for half the day, just the option being there has a good effect. Problem with IBS is that sometimes it can come completely out of the blue with no warning. Yesterday with no apparent triggers I had to run to the loo 5 times in 2 hours. Yet I hadn't had any major problems for nearly a week before that! It's obviously not fair on the employer if that was happening every day but if it's once a fortnight or so I can't see it causing them too much issue....hopefully...
(27-06-2015, 01:29 PM)Poodle Wrote:(27-06-2015, 11:56 AM)Matt-Rallye Wrote: Tell them immediately, be frank and upfront about it and they will know its a genuine issue and your not a time waster.
Wether or not you get 'trapped' on a specific aspect of a job depends entirely on what job you chose to pursue but obviously any potential employer isnt going to want to be paying you to sit on the bog for half the day!
Best of luck though tom and deepest respect for trying
Personally i'd take this approach, purely on the basis that if they're going to reject you over something so minor then they're useless lady gardens anyway that'd be a nightmare to work for, therefore it'd be better not to have to waste time with a few months of stressful work or even just an interview.
Very true. I've been worried about wasting employers time if I applied for something that I then got but soon found out I couldn't do well for whatever reason - hadn't even thought about wasting my own time!
(27-06-2015, 12:29 PM)C2K Wrote: I wouldn't advise them when applying, you're just giving them a reason to select someone else for interview. Applications are aboutpositive points of your skillset. Providing you're not applying for a job on a till, i'm sure it will be fine. They can't hold IBS against you, you only need to declare it when you start.
As above, i wouldn't mention the canteen, never had to work somewhere I couldn't leave site/go sit in my car / go for a walk at lunch time.
Must admit I'm struggling to find positive points of my skillset tbh - any ideas what they should be?