25-03-2015, 09:22 AM
Mikey runs a OEM Valeo on his VNT - no slip, I ran the same for a time which didn't slip.l I put a paddle in for the hell of it (I do admit its a fairly on/off situation and unsprung means you get gearbox rattle. There is a YouTube video explaining about unsprung clutches and gear chatter. Also Ruan ran one on his VNT AFAIK which had more torque than mine & Mike's and held out quite well I believe.
If you referring to Trent's 2052 slipping it, that's just cos of his cable was being an arse. All holds fine now.
If you have a Valeo there to fit I'd crack on. Unless you have more in the budget.
If you referring to Trent's 2052 slipping it, that's just cos of his cable was being an arse. All holds fine now.
If you have a Valeo there to fit I'd crack on. Unless you have more in the budget.