24-03-2015, 03:53 PM
This is why money is made in the south, not in the North.
There, how's that for patronising?! :p
Fair play I got the terminology wrong, but the principle I got right. You talk about sustainability, you must realise therefore that a business model for an industry like Kwik Fit would not be sustainable if it were run off of 'doing favours' be them financially or otherwise. Somewhere, money has to be made, else the system doesn't work. There's millions to be made extracting money from idiots - look at the football ticket industry.
There, how's that for patronising?! :p
Fair play I got the terminology wrong, but the principle I got right. You talk about sustainability, you must realise therefore that a business model for an industry like Kwik Fit would not be sustainable if it were run off of 'doing favours' be them financially or otherwise. Somewhere, money has to be made, else the system doesn't work. There's millions to be made extracting money from idiots - look at the football ticket industry.
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.