12-02-2015, 09:56 PM
I personally 100% object to blackbox insurance policies. I don't mind being tracked at work, my old council minibus was trackered and g-sensored, my current buses have 12 cctv cameras and live tracking via a app that even the public can track us so I'm under no illusion as to the amount of data these devices can gather....... but to have one in my own personal vehicle I find an absolute and massive invasion into my personal privacy. A car is about being independent, freedom, exploration. Theres more than enough speed cameras and whatnot for the govenment to screw you should you act like a idiot on the roads so why give a company even more data to claim a loophole in the event of a accident? Oh sorry blame-claim culture means theres no longer any such thing as a accident!
To get back on the road in my 306 after all my no-claims had expired and one accident on record was £3300 for the first year (TPFT), £980 for the second (FC), and £660 this year (FC). In my opinion swallow one bad year and then things get better.
To get back on the road in my 306 after all my no-claims had expired and one accident on record was £3300 for the first year (TPFT), £980 for the second (FC), and £660 this year (FC). In my opinion swallow one bad year and then things get better.