27-01-2015, 01:23 PM
Diesels have never really gained a foothold in the states because even "clean" diesel is pumping out 5-7x the NOX of a petrol car, and a lot of the cars we drive here can't be sold state side. Despite NOX having a lot of serious health implications, politicians have priced petrol cars off the road and incentivised diesel to bring down CO2. Of course now we have several cities in the UK where NOX levels are breaching EU regulations by a huge margin and they have to do something about it. The new generation turbo petrol engines are delivering much improved fuel consumption and don't have the emissions problems of diesels, the future is likely small turbo petrol powered cars.
'95 Peugeot 405 GLX with XU10J4RS and ITB's
'97 Peugeot 406 1.9TD with TD04
'05 RenaultSport 182 Cup
'97 Peugeot 406 1.9TD with TD04
'05 RenaultSport 182 Cup