(13-01-2015, 09:42 PM)Niall Wrote: Im pretty sure 95% of the population say they are going to get fit for their new years resolution right?
Basically, I've been doing less and less exercise and eating more and more shit due to work over the past few years and I've started putting a bit of weight on because of it. Also getting stupidly unfit at the moment so i need to do something about it!
Ive decided I'm going to go and sign up to my local gym with the intention of loosing some fat and then building some muscle (although I'm not thinking about that now...that can wait till I'm fitter lol). I was going to concentrate on cardio for now but i was wondering if anyone of you gym/health nuts could recommend any supplements which may help out? Also looking for something easy to do for lunches as I'm always on the move and basically live off of petrol station sandwiches because they are quick and easy (bit like some of the members on here :p ). I know some people have things like protein shakes for lunch and class that as a meal but if I'm honest, i don't have a clue about that sort of thing!
Any advice is much appreciated
I would recommend using a calculator such as the following:
The most accurate way of determining your calorific requirements would be to buy a skin fold caliper (about £3 on eBay) and measure your % body fat; from this you can then calculate your lean body mass, and this is what your calorific intake will be based on
Once you have your calorific requirements then break that down into Protein, carbs and fats. For example if you're looking to lose body fat whilst maintaining muscle then a high Protein intake would be best, for example 50% protein, 35% carbs and 15% fat. Once you have your targets you can create a rough diet plan so you've got an idea of the kinds of foods and quantities, I use excel for this.
I have been training for many years but I've always struggled with losing body fat, however, I've been following this principle for about 12 weeks and I've lost 6% body fat whilst maintaining lean mass.
If this is too in depth for you, then simply working out your calories required to lose weight and sticking to them will be effective, just not as effective as the above method.
If you're going to the gym then I would recommend going 3 times a week initially and do a mixture of weights and cardio for 45-60 mins. On your days off the gym and weekends try to do slightly more activity than you are doing currently, i.e walk instead of drive where possible etc.
(13-01-2015, 09:42 PM)Niall Wrote: I know some people have things like protein shakes for lunch and class that as a meal but if I'm honest, i don't have a clue about that sort of thing!
You can get meal replacement shakes but if you're not a fan of breakfast then I wouldn't advise having a liquid lunch! If anything if you were going to incorporate protein shakes into your diet then having one in the morning instead of breakfast would be best (as you don't like eating for breakfast). Meal replacement shakes are protein powder & carbohydrate powder combined to give you macros similar to a meal.
Personally I think your best bet would be to get a cool bag and a decent lunch box and make yourself a healthy sandwich. I cook a chicken breast and slice it up and have it in a brown bread sandwich, you only have to cook it every couple of days and you can do it at the same time you're cooking dinner couple that with some fruit and nuts and you've got a super healthy lunch P.S I would suggest 0% fat greek style yogurt too but I can't imagine that being to nice if it was warm