16-03-2012, 04:14 PM
My brothers car did that too, remap on, went away, remap off, came back haha!
Ah those were the days... I still had my GTi6 and we were just putting random maps on his car to see if they worked (off the DVD you got)
I think we ran a 362 map on his 162. Light was on but it ran really really well. Probably 'too' well hehe... was a dicky map looking back, loads of power, but all the wrong ways of going about it.
Ah those were the days... I still had my GTi6 and we were just putting random maps on his car to see if they worked (off the DVD you got)
I think we ran a 362 map on his 162. Light was on but it ran really really well. Probably 'too' well hehe... was a dicky map looking back, loads of power, but all the wrong ways of going about it.