28-11-2014, 12:01 PM
HDi is great if you don't mind going out one morning and it just won't start and you have to drag your laptop out, decipher "fault codes", replace 50 parts trying to find which one it was, becuase the fault code can mean a thousand different things. When HDis work, they're reliable as sin, but if it stops working, you've got a right job to try and get it back to working without it consuming your entire bank account in new sensors.
XUD is great if you don't mind it sounding desperately clattery when cold, you are aware that the headgasket WILL go if you neglect to keep your eye on coolant temperatures. People just assume you can twist the max fuel screw 180* and you get instant reliable power - not the case.
There's a stark contrast with how people look after HDis vs XUDs, you wouldn't get 60 quid Sid in there with the wire cutters bodging away with the HDi wiring loom, yet you'll get anyone in with an XUD because someone told them they're simple. You then get the classics such as bypassing the heater matrix, running it on the SHITTEST veg available, not changing oil, leaving it with little to no coolant in, allowing it to overheat in traffic because you couldn't be arsed to fix the fan wiring, then nailing it flat out up a hill.
It's just that thankfully the HDi will generally stop you from being a total retard in terms of bodging, it'll drop fuel quantity if the diesel or coolant gets too hot, it won't even run if most stuff is broken... Hence they give the perception of being reliable because you don't see the problems - it just stops and won't work instead!
Look after either and it'll give years of long service... It's up to you which you go for, but either you have to look after, it's just that one will stop you being a retard, the other won't and will break quite happily if you're not sensible.
XUD is great if you don't mind it sounding desperately clattery when cold, you are aware that the headgasket WILL go if you neglect to keep your eye on coolant temperatures. People just assume you can twist the max fuel screw 180* and you get instant reliable power - not the case.
There's a stark contrast with how people look after HDis vs XUDs, you wouldn't get 60 quid Sid in there with the wire cutters bodging away with the HDi wiring loom, yet you'll get anyone in with an XUD because someone told them they're simple. You then get the classics such as bypassing the heater matrix, running it on the SHITTEST veg available, not changing oil, leaving it with little to no coolant in, allowing it to overheat in traffic because you couldn't be arsed to fix the fan wiring, then nailing it flat out up a hill.
It's just that thankfully the HDi will generally stop you from being a total retard in terms of bodging, it'll drop fuel quantity if the diesel or coolant gets too hot, it won't even run if most stuff is broken... Hence they give the perception of being reliable because you don't see the problems - it just stops and won't work instead!
Look after either and it'll give years of long service... It's up to you which you go for, but either you have to look after, it's just that one will stop you being a retard, the other won't and will break quite happily if you're not sensible.