(18-11-2014, 07:37 PM)darrenjlobb Wrote: The cummins has a HX35 on it, standard turbo, sadly it wont be getting tuned that hard, its not mine, a friends, but without putting mega bucks into axles etc it simply wont take much power, so its just getting a light tune on standard blower, either way, it will sound fantastic, and everyone loves a cummins
Anyway back on topic,
The pit is behind the rollers, so fwd cars will be over the pit while on the dyno, and RWD not, idea being 99% of cars I do will be FWD, so that means they are fully inside / doors can stay closed when im working in the evenings / cold, as for RWD the nose will need to stick outside purely to prevent sideways movement....
I will be mounting TWO larch anchors with straps preventing the car from pulling fowards, and also a left / right strap system at the front possibly to prevent sideways movement I think....
ratchet strap across the roof!!! thatll do it lol
on a more serious note, in chatting with the guy near me.. he has 2 sets of ratcheting points, one left and right of the car, meaning the actual straps will attach to the front towing eye and be about 30degrees to the front of the car
he also has 2 heavy duty unistrut sections (galvanized steel) bolted into a small recess in the floor that he can use to tie the car down with on either side of the car.. he also has some bolt in anchor points for said unistrut
he mentioned that the handbrake in most cases is more than enough to keep the car still forward and back (unless its a suzuki one of course) and that he only anchors the wheels in the cases of some of his lighter, higher performance rally cars..
he didnt move mine when he had it on the rollers, handbrake and left and right straps to stop it swaying back and forward and it was good.
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!