03-11-2014, 02:29 PM
I may just be having a blonde moment but ive picked up a fmic (it was free) supposedly off a clio.... the connections dont come out either side, they come up at the front/back either side, is this still usable? And also does it matter which way round the fmic is?
Also (another dumb moment) where exactly does it plumb into? Seen loads of guides on doing it but when i gets to the end bit they seem to just say "then plug it all in together and tighten" anybody have any pics where both ends from the fmic plumb into? Be very much greatfull lol
Jamie b
Also (another dumb moment) where exactly does it plumb into? Seen loads of guides on doing it but when i gets to the end bit they seem to just say "then plug it all in together and tighten" anybody have any pics where both ends from the fmic plumb into? Be very much greatfull lol
Jamie b