28-10-2014, 04:29 PM
(28-10-2014, 11:28 AM)SRowell Wrote: Matt that was my suggestion.... I suggested french! Obviously its the theme to go for... not British or German. Everyone will be WTF. ive been to FCS for the past 3 years and I have never seen anyone go all out french with berets and striped shirts, onions long bread and garlic.
Sam are you daft. I wasn't serious about the german theme and I'll admit there isn't alot of mileage in british theme.
As for not having seen anyone go all out french were you even at FCS last year? Are you completely blind? You obviously missed the DS3 stand (that won) as they had Vive La France in 3ft high red, white and blue letters at the front of the stand, a load of french flags and were giving out wine and either french bread or cheese at the front of the stand. I didn't look closely but I assume there was probably strings of onions and stripey jumpers too.
I dont think we want to be copying somebody else's idea from last year? We NEED to be different if we want to stand out and win!
Also surely this is better left till after the christmas meet is done and dusted?