13-03-2012, 03:28 PM
Scott Wrote:Toms306 Wrote:Neighbourhood watch would definitely inforce the ban lol....Of course it's still full, the potential shortage is months away. If there was a shortage now and the reservoirs were looking a little low then we'd have had a hosepipe ban months ago (not that you'd be able to use it as everyone's hoses would have frozen).
Im not saying there isnt a shortage (even though the resivior still looks just as full as normal lol), but I can't see why people cant just water more effectively rather than having to ban it. Use the hose on its lowest setting and only use it for as long as it takes to rinse the car.......but surely we all do that anyway on water meters* to save the cost!?
*If you're on rates I know you just try to use as much as possible.
It's harder to regulate usage of water by saying "only use what you need" as surely that should be the case 24/7. It's easier to ban it outright to prevent shortages, than to say "ohh guys we might start to run out if you're not careful, just use what it takes to rinse the car and we should be okay". Even if it does get banned you still have selfish people using it anyway, so they're hardly going to listen to advice by water companies to use less
I don't mean to sound grumpy in saying that by the way.
Yeah thats fair enough, I do see your point......but to put it into car terms, if you stick a tenner of fuel in and have no money for a fortnight, surely you drive more carefully to conserve the fuel rather than just booting it everywhere lol?? Well telling everyone there could be shortages would make them think aout it more surely?
Or maybe they should ration it instead.....so, for example, once a fortnight you could clean the car.... :think:
Also, I don't expect shell/bp etc will stop using thier auto car washes and the pressure washer ones?