09-10-2014, 03:59 PM
I'll just copy and paste the petition statement as it explains:
"Responsible department: Department for Transport
Following the recent changes in vehicle tax, vehicle owners are now forced to surrender the value of the vehicle tax up until the end of the month in which they sell the vehicle.
Vehicle buyers are also forced to buy a full month, when they will not have had the use of the days preceeding the vehicle purchase.
It is also the case that the computer systems which coordinate the purchase of vehicle tax are given a concentrated workload at the end of each month. This has recently resulted in the service being unavailable.
I propose that vehicle tax should be available daily so that buyers and sellers are not short-changed, and that the systems are more able to cope with a more uniform demand.
This petition is of interest to anyone in the UK who will either buy or sell a motor vehicle.
Please rectify this unfair practice."
Link to petition here: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/70266
Can't hurt to sign it right? He's picked up over 1100 sigs already
"Responsible department: Department for Transport
Following the recent changes in vehicle tax, vehicle owners are now forced to surrender the value of the vehicle tax up until the end of the month in which they sell the vehicle.
Vehicle buyers are also forced to buy a full month, when they will not have had the use of the days preceeding the vehicle purchase.
It is also the case that the computer systems which coordinate the purchase of vehicle tax are given a concentrated workload at the end of each month. This has recently resulted in the service being unavailable.
I propose that vehicle tax should be available daily so that buyers and sellers are not short-changed, and that the systems are more able to cope with a more uniform demand.
This petition is of interest to anyone in the UK who will either buy or sell a motor vehicle.
Please rectify this unfair practice."
Link to petition here: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/70266
Can't hurt to sign it right? He's picked up over 1100 sigs already