27-09-2014, 10:07 AM
Nothing to do with branding and advertising. I tend to watch BBC as I hate ad's and aren't easily led anyway.
I'd rather look at info/spec, without taking the name into account. Does make me laugh when I see people buy iPhones just because they look cool, or when I see people actively avoiding them because they don't want to be 'scene'. It's just a name, if it's right for you, meets your needs then buy it! 
Mum had a Skoda, I had a VW...the equivalent Audi's were much nicer when I started going to VAG meets, more spec, more comfort, better seats, noticeably better quality... I'd have bought one this time around if I could justify the extra money for equivalent spec. Unfortunately I couldn't lol. So I've got the engine and spec I was after, but slightly compromised quality by not going for a premium brand.
As for iPhones, I don't use a phone much, so doesn't bother me, Android is fine and was much cheaper. But iPhones are excellent for business use and music amongst other things, my sister was the same as you 'I don't want to be an iPhone hipster'...then after moaning about her Android phone constantly she admitted defeat and bought an iPhone.

Mum had a Skoda, I had a VW...the equivalent Audi's were much nicer when I started going to VAG meets, more spec, more comfort, better seats, noticeably better quality... I'd have bought one this time around if I could justify the extra money for equivalent spec. Unfortunately I couldn't lol. So I've got the engine and spec I was after, but slightly compromised quality by not going for a premium brand.
As for iPhones, I don't use a phone much, so doesn't bother me, Android is fine and was much cheaper. But iPhones are excellent for business use and music amongst other things, my sister was the same as you 'I don't want to be an iPhone hipster'...then after moaning about her Android phone constantly she admitted defeat and bought an iPhone.