12-03-2012, 09:48 AM
Ian Wrote:This is how it goes on " standard springs and shocks" not sure for coilovers but its how it is on my Bilsteins and Eibachs. But then the set bearings on mine didnt have the extra lip type bit from the first photo. Maybe that was the design change you said peugeot mentioned
hm well the car is in for an MOT in about 4 weeks now, i could wait until then and see if they could diganose it but im worried this could be causing further damage...
but then again, the coil'y on the O/S is fine, which is on original top mounts.
I know it's missing that cup spacer, but surely that little part couldn't cause such dramatic noises?! <-- if anyone has one, would be appreciated.
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!