17-09-2014, 11:07 PM
(17-09-2014, 10:34 PM)londondan86 Wrote: Everything that is being said here is completely spot on, and its exactly the advice I would be giving others in the same situation. Problem is I want something I can enjoy now! lol
Hmmm, got some major soul searching to do me thinks..............
just think, you built that 306 nobody else, if it wasn't for you lot, kept pushing me on, with the red metro, I would have gave up back in 2010!
look what I have now in the end, a more better, stronger car!
Just back off like I have said, and maybe do bits at a time, come back when you are on a mental high.
I know modified cars are hard to build and sort out, just to got to take a break from it.