30-08-2014, 08:23 AM
(29-08-2014, 04:17 PM)THE_Liam Wrote: @Matt-Rallye - Anything specific wrong with it bud? Or just generally crap to drive?
I drove one hard.. genuinely scared me just how unresponsive / sluggish it is and the handling is probably sharper in a landrover.
They honestly dont have any redeeming features whatsoever, shit on fuel, look gay, dont go well, dont handle and certainly not comfortable to cruise in either!
Also the guy was saying it needs constant maintenance (i know its old now and 306's are no better) but parts are hard to come buy 2nd hand and very expensive / hard too source new.
IMHO i would hold onto your hard earned and wait for something with abit more flair or rarity value / desirability if your looking at it from an investment view. You would be hard pushed to make a profit on it after buying it, keeping i for X amount of years and then re-commisioning it for the road (MOT / parts / etc)
Just my 2p worth and in no way an experts opinion, i would also recommend giving it the benefit of the doubt if only to test drive it (on private roads of course
