09-08-2014, 11:50 AM
Some absolute bellends on the a34 the other day
1st offender: Sign coming up to roundabout says "use both lanes for a34" so I sit in the right hand lane as the left hander is full of traffic. As I'm about to come off the roundabout the prick in the left hand lane decides to cut across me without looking but there traffic going the way he wants to go so instead of driving off he ends up sat in front of me causing me to slam on and use the horn. The result: A quick look from him eyeing me up and the looks on as if nothing happened. In the picture im the blue line and he is red with the high lighter being the traffic
2nd offender: As I pull away from the first guys prickish action I find my front end nearly being taken off by a van trying to squeeze in the gap between me and a car in the left hand lane, again more horn action. Could have been saved by me checking mirrors before pulling off but was rather in shock by nearly crashing moments before
3rd offender: Driving on the a34 at about national speed limit in right hand lane, polo decides the left lane isn't good enough for him and pulls out without indicating at a speed of about 50mph. Again hard brake action ensures. The polo then travels so slowly that he is being undertaken by lorries/vans etc. The polo eventually pulls back into the left lane again without indication, as i pass him i catch him staring at me to which i respond with my mimicking a flashing light with my hand
1st offender: Sign coming up to roundabout says "use both lanes for a34" so I sit in the right hand lane as the left hander is full of traffic. As I'm about to come off the roundabout the prick in the left hand lane decides to cut across me without looking but there traffic going the way he wants to go so instead of driving off he ends up sat in front of me causing me to slam on and use the horn. The result: A quick look from him eyeing me up and the looks on as if nothing happened. In the picture im the blue line and he is red with the high lighter being the traffic
2nd offender: As I pull away from the first guys prickish action I find my front end nearly being taken off by a van trying to squeeze in the gap between me and a car in the left hand lane, again more horn action. Could have been saved by me checking mirrors before pulling off but was rather in shock by nearly crashing moments before
3rd offender: Driving on the a34 at about national speed limit in right hand lane, polo decides the left lane isn't good enough for him and pulls out without indicating at a speed of about 50mph. Again hard brake action ensures. The polo then travels so slowly that he is being undertaken by lorries/vans etc. The polo eventually pulls back into the left lane again without indication, as i pass him i catch him staring at me to which i respond with my mimicking a flashing light with my hand