25-07-2014, 02:37 PM
(25-07-2014, 11:22 AM)devils_fuel Wrote: Ha ha I meant what offset etc are the 18's lol
Getting there mate, where did you go drifting??
Fek knows, will need to do a Google search.
I'm having a MASSIVE ball ache with the turbo/exhaust manifold on this atm.
The studs/nuts/locking tab arrangement is utter SHITE and trying to find some Iconel studs in M8/M10 is becoming more like finding a needle in a hay stack.
If anyone feels helpful feel free to view these two threads and make some sense of it..
The way I see it I have few options:
1) Weld the turbo to manifold (bodge)
2) Fit genuine Nissan studs (Icondel at £51 for all 4)
3) Fit generic exhaust studs
4) Bore out the M8 stud to M10 and use generic M10's
The Genunie Nissan gasket is on it's way at £17 posted. I've ordered aero M10 nuts at £6 so thats £23 + plus cost of M10 studs. Finding some quality M10 stud's is becoming a problem.
What to do..