Today in the post Powerflexes all new design lower engine mount turned up, I have had the vibratechnics one in for a while now with no problems so it will be staying, and won't be fitting this. And the vibration from the Vibratechnics one is less than the Powerflex one.
But it took a while for Powerflex to sort it.
Still dont think it will be that good.
They have made a cut out for the fork bracket to fit into, and the side lips are alot thicker. And it is ment to have been tested on a vehicle and been fine.
But it took a while for Powerflex to sort it.
Still dont think it will be that good.
They have made a cut out for the fork bracket to fit into, and the side lips are alot thicker. And it is ment to have been tested on a vehicle and been fine.