15-04-2014, 09:08 AM
(13-04-2014, 04:28 PM)Poodle Wrote: The sensor works on a 0-1500bar = 0-5V scale, you need about 240bar to fire iirc. Always thought it was 280bar, but Cully found something that said otherwise, just can't remember exactly what... Should be showing 0.8-1v from the sensor anyway, got a feeling it's an oscillating signal, if so will need the hf band to register it.
Right i have done a leak off test, results are in photo below hope it is clear enough. the car was left running for 45 minutes.
I cant see it being an injector even though they tap surely causing poor starting?
Next text is fuel rail sensor and change it for good measures see if that helps although doubtful.
So im guessing its the hp pump which i thought initally, just to figure out how to change it know (any tips welcome)
Is it a floating pump so to speak and i dont have to time it with the crank or camshaft, or does it need to be timed in too (sorry if sounds daft)
thanks for all help so far