03-04-2014, 02:26 AM
hi guys,
just a quick one which is probably going to sound silly..
basically noticed an espace with a vented splitter in scrapyard while i was getting some parts for a corsa and decided ill have it..
i have never fitted a splitter before so was just wondering the best way to attach it and do i need to cut it down?
can it be attached the same as a gti6 splitter with clips and screws?
if anyone could help i would appretiate it
thanks all
just a quick one which is probably going to sound silly..
basically noticed an espace with a vented splitter in scrapyard while i was getting some parts for a corsa and decided ill have it..
i have never fitted a splitter before so was just wondering the best way to attach it and do i need to cut it down?
can it be attached the same as a gti6 splitter with clips and screws?
if anyone could help i would appretiate it

thanks all