28-02-2012, 05:58 PM
NiallHarper Wrote:Midnightclub Wrote:The thing is if EVERYONE actually did do something it would make a difference, the thing being is that getting EVERYONE to do something about it takes a massive amount of organisation and for the majority people just don't care enough to do something about it, they will carry on moaning and carry on paying the extortionate prices
Right and how is everyone going to do something?
Take my company for example, we have over 50 engineers out on the road. We all do a minimum of 100 quid a week in diesel getting to sites. If we all stopped buying diesel, my company would go under putting thousands out of work. Now think what would happen if everyone did that? Be in a worse situation than we are now!
It would only take everyone to not buy fuel on 1 day to make a MASSIVE impact, well not even everyone would have to do it but the thing is even doing that would just make the fuel companies reduce the costs and it's not the companies at fault IMO, they do all the work to get the fuel and it's not an easy process it's the massive amount of tax added on pretty much everywhere! We're taxed basically twice on fuel, taxed on the fact we have to buy the fuel, the tax to allow us to drive it on the road, the tax on the insurance we have to buy to drive it and the list could go on.. the whole system is a complete joke and it all goes back to the fact that the government are spending more than they have! If the government are lacking money maybe they should 'tax' those bankers getting there millions of millions of pounds in bonuses every year rather than shitting on the little guy just trying to make enough money to put bread on the table