Literally do what Dan said, take your turbo, and your standard oil line in.
Say you want a length (go couple inches longer than needed just in case) of flexi braided line to go from your turbo and then join onto the end of the existing oil line that goes into the block.
This is what I have, works fine. cost me £20 or £25 (can't remember now)
2nd picture isn't mind but is a similar concept
They gave me an olive and a fitting to join my existing oil feed to the braided one.
Now find your local and go enquire.
Say you want a length (go couple inches longer than needed just in case) of flexi braided line to go from your turbo and then join onto the end of the existing oil line that goes into the block.
This is what I have, works fine. cost me £20 or £25 (can't remember now)
2nd picture isn't mind but is a similar concept
They gave me an olive and a fitting to join my existing oil feed to the braided one.
Now find your local and go enquire.