24-01-2014, 10:29 AM
Not a bad call tbh Ian. I'll do my intro in an alcoholics anonymous stylee.
Hi, I'm WiNgNuTz, real name Steve, and I own a 306 DT. I am likely to be at FCS again this year, but that's probably about it show wise for me, too skint (read: Cars too broken) to attend more than that I should think, might change though. I'll be the one in a red zip up hoody with WiNgNuTz written across the back.
Hi, I'm WiNgNuTz, real name Steve, and I own a 306 DT. I am likely to be at FCS again this year, but that's probably about it show wise for me, too skint (read: Cars too broken) to attend more than that I should think, might change though. I'll be the one in a red zip up hoody with WiNgNuTz written across the back.