I had my minor bump in August and it went through insurance, the other party's car was repaired within 3 weeks of the incident
However around two months or so ago I got a letter from 'Claimfast' saying my insurers hadnt paid out within a decent timeframe and so I was to pay the claim fee which wasn't stated. The letter had both of our regs and the date of the incident
Called my insurers and they said to ignore it as they had paid out £2900 in repair costs and it was settled with the other party. They also said ClaimFast were not in any way involved and they do not use them for handling their claims
Today I got a letter from 'Lyons Davidson' solicitors saying they're acting on behalf of ClaimFast and the cars owner (by name) saying they are pursuing a claim for £4997, echoing the initial letter. Again all details present, including how the accident actually happened (turned into their path)
Because my insurers say they have dealt with it can i just shred these letters or do they actually mean anything?
However around two months or so ago I got a letter from 'Claimfast' saying my insurers hadnt paid out within a decent timeframe and so I was to pay the claim fee which wasn't stated. The letter had both of our regs and the date of the incident
Called my insurers and they said to ignore it as they had paid out £2900 in repair costs and it was settled with the other party. They also said ClaimFast were not in any way involved and they do not use them for handling their claims
Today I got a letter from 'Lyons Davidson' solicitors saying they're acting on behalf of ClaimFast and the cars owner (by name) saying they are pursuing a claim for £4997, echoing the initial letter. Again all details present, including how the accident actually happened (turned into their path)
Because my insurers say they have dealt with it can i just shred these letters or do they actually mean anything?