(18-12-2013, 02:53 PM)HDIkyle Wrote: Mines not got washersis splitting tho bow I think about it as I only refitted it last week. They have replaced my p bushes so might be worth an email. If not I will just buy some washers
If you email them with pictures they will replace it.
You can't just fit washers as it will be then to wide to fit in the bracket, as the new bushes have a recess for the washers to fit in. And the centre metal sleeve on the new one is 5mm shorter to allow for the washers thickness.
(18-12-2013, 04:06 PM)Daniel306 Wrote: I got one of ripps ones, it looks better quality than both of those...
Probably is better from the pictures i have seen of his but don't they need pressing in?