20-02-2012, 01:20 PM
Shall have a look tonight for you
I have a feeling that the trims that I have aren't the best TBH though!
Sorry......WTF does this have to do with anything posted in this thread?? your spoiler is a Ph2 and this is a wanted thread for a ph3 spoiler, a ph2 boot lock and a rear door trim! so I really don't see how its relevant to anything at all! he didn't ask for painting advice! :roll:

I have a feeling that the trims that I have aren't the best TBH though!
declantg Wrote:My spoiler was like that originally, if you sand it down, primer it, spray it black and then apply lacquer it will come out perfectly
Heres mine
Sorry......WTF does this have to do with anything posted in this thread?? your spoiler is a Ph2 and this is a wanted thread for a ph3 spoiler, a ph2 boot lock and a rear door trim! so I really don't see how its relevant to anything at all! he didn't ask for painting advice! :roll: