31-10-2013, 01:56 PM
Ginge was correct, it was a battery issue.
Somehow the batt was SO dead that it didnt even give me a warning light, the other batt that I tried was somehow discharged (even though was in use several hours beforehand..), I bumped her, drove for a few mins and shut off, left for 15 mins and she fired right up with no problems what so ever.
Goes to show, check, double check, triple check and then check again.
-n00b out.
Ginge was correct, it was a battery issue.
Somehow the batt was SO dead that it didnt even give me a warning light, the other batt that I tried was somehow discharged (even though was in use several hours beforehand..), I bumped her, drove for a few mins and shut off, left for 15 mins and she fired right up with no problems what so ever.
Goes to show, check, double check, triple check and then check again.
-n00b out.