27-09-2013, 09:17 AM
Hi mate, I work for EE and see this all the time. Our repair centre, SBE have damaged customers phones in the past, and from a retail point of view there's absolutely nothing we can do. The best solution we have is to call the repair centre direct, explain the situation and the handset does have to be sent back. When it gets sent back the handset gets intervened by a manager which looks at the phone themselves and ensures it comes back to store in perfect condition.
Unfortunately it does have to be sent away agin, but usually if the customer calls up customer services they can get a credit applied to the account for the length of time the phone has been away. Yes it's not ideal, but it works for us.
Hope this helps mate.
Unfortunately it does have to be sent away agin, but usually if the customer calls up customer services they can get a credit applied to the account for the length of time the phone has been away. Yes it's not ideal, but it works for us.
Hope this helps mate.