04-09-2013, 02:43 PM
(04-09-2013, 01:22 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Can I just point out for all the vectra fags that I dont know anyone whos driven the dead identical models of mondeo and vectra and didnt prefer the mondeo.
You all only like vectras cos youve never had a good mondeo.
I'm not a Vectra fag - I want rid of it as soon as possible. Theres a list as long as my arm of things I don't like about it, and I certainly would've been disappointed paying £27k for one new!! However I still explained some of their positives. I was cornering at a little over 60 this morning through an NSL (I was only speeding as I needed a poo....no really!) and it just held perfect, on the same road that I lost the 306 to LOOS at much lower speed, and the same road I bumped the Golf off the kerb through understeer (yeah I'm a shit driver, I don't really care). The Vectra really is the grippiest car that I've had, even compared to the ones I lowered etc.
I didn't say I preferred it over the Mondeo though...if I could've found a 155 Titanium X (same power and spec list) at the same price when I was looking I'd have gone for that no doubt but they were all higher priced than the Vec's. However in diesel form they also have a lot of common faults, infact theres one sitting across my road now that wont idle and is coaling like mad all the time. My Dad drives a petrol V6 Ghia X.......160k miles (that's higher than any diesel Ive owned), hasn't been serviced in over 40k (since he bought it, might have been longer!) and hasn't had any engine faults at all....just shows that petrol is the way to go for reliabilty if you can afford the fuel.