14-02-2012, 03:39 PM
Chris Wrote:How much and what did they fit like?
Also could you grab me the rough width of the projector lens itself too.
Yep they fit fine but like all aftermarket ones you just have to make sure you push them to fit the wing and then do the top bolt up tight so they dont move. Im pretty sure all the luggs are there and if not then only one is missing. Im at uni atm but ill be down on the 25th 26th so ill check for you then and if you want them id wrap them all up and get my parents to post them to you on the monday as i am only down for the weekend. No bulbs in them and i think there are a few orange flakes from the previous owner having shit indicator bulbs in them. I may have put new halo bulbs in them but i cant remember. As I say ill have to check when i get home. As for the width of the project lens at a guess id say like 6cm not including the ring?
How does... £60 posted sound?